Optical Encoder Wheel


We specialize in the manufacture and sale of Optical Encoder Wheels (Optical encoder disks).

We can customize specifications such as the bar width, pitch width, tolerance, and accuracy when manufacturing an optical encoder disk to suit your needs.

optical encoder disk

Product description

Here are the descriptions of our products.

What we handle

Material Metal, PET film, Resin
Applicable encoder types Incremental type, Absolute type
Types Transmissive, Reflective
Resolution 150, 180, 300, 360 LPI
Combined processing Assembly with a hub, Reinforcement plate, Double-sided tape, Water-repellent processing(only for film)

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Customizable specification

Reflectivity Negotiable
Accuracy Depending on Resolution of the bar (LPI or CPR) and Tolerance
Bar pattern Depending on Incremental or Absolute
Cost Depending on Material and Processing methods

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About our products

The processing materials range from PET film, metal, and high-precision metal, and we can propose the most suitable material according to the application, accuracy, and price.

Our product lineup

  Type Style
A PET film Transmissive/Reflective
B Metal Transmissive
C Hybrid – high precision metal Transmissive/Reflective
D Mirror black Reflective
E Polycarbonate Transmissive/Reflective

Click on each link above for more details.

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A. PET film type (Transmissive/Reflective)

Manufacturing Method: Die-cutting film sheet

This type of product is manufactured by forming fine patterns on PET film sheet material and die-cut processing.

Mass production at low cost is available.

PET film type linear encoder strip

Technical features

Pitch tolerance ±0.002 mm
Minimum bar width 0.02 mm
Bar width tolerance ±0.003 mm
Coaxiality 0.02 mm(Transmissive style), 0.05 mm(Reflective style)
Inner diameter accuracy ±0.01 mm(Transmissive style), ±0.025 mm(Reflective style)
Roundness within 0.015 mm(Transmissive style), 0.02 mm(Reflective style)
Size change coefficient to temperature 18µm/m°C (1.8×10-3%°C)
Size change coefficient to relative humidity 10μm/m (1.0×10-3%RH)
Reflective style Aluminum deposition
Reflectance Over 60%(High reflective type)/Less than 10%(Low reflective type)

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B. Metal type (Transmissive)

Manufacturing method: Etching SUS or other metals

This type of product is manufactured by Photo-etching on stainless steel (SUS) material.

This product is not the best choice for high resolution applications, but it can be produced at a relatively low cost.

Metal type optical Encoder Disk

Technical features

Base material SUS304 planarity sheet processed by photo-etching
Minimum bar width 0.08 mm(Minimum slit width is plate thickness × 150%) If you need less than 0.08 mm, please contact us.
Pitch tolerance ±0.003 mm
Coaxiality within 0.01 mm
Roundness within 0.01 mm
Internal diameter accuracy within 0.015 mm (when t=0.1 mm or less)

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C. Hybrid type – high precision metal (Transmissive/Reflective)

Manufacturing method: Precise etching on nickel clad material

This type of product is manufactured by etching a nickel clad material (Ni-Cu-Ni patented material) developed for industrial encoders.

Our etching technology used to make this product has succeeded in achieving dimensions and accuracy that were not possible with conventional etching processes.

Hybrid type optical Encoder Disk

 Etching Dimension accuracy list (Transmissive style)

Thickness (t), mm Minimum diameter (D), mm Tolerance, mm
0.04 0.040 ±0.008
0.06 0.050 ±0.008
0.08 0.060 ±0.008
0.10 0.075 ±0.008
0.15 0.150 ±0.01
0.20 0.200 ±0.015
  • The standard for the minimum slit size D is 75% of the plate thickness. (Transmissive style)
  • In the case of t=0.15 mm and 0.20 mm, plate thickness is 120% of t. (Transmissive style)

Etching Dimension accuracy table (Reflective style)

Thickness (t), mm Minimum diameter (D), mm Tolerance, mm
0.07 0.04 ±0.008

Technical features

Minimum bar width(Transmissive style) 0.04 mm (in the case of t=0.04 mm) 
Minimum bar width(Reflective style) 0.04 mm (in the case of t=0.07 mm or 0.1 mm)
Minimum bar tolerance within 0.008 mm
Pitch tolerance(Transmissive/Reflective style) within 0.003 mm/within 0.005 mm
Coaxiality within 0.01
Inner diameter accuracy ±0.008 mm
Reflectiveness(High reflective type) Over 60 % 
Reflectiveness(Low reflective type) Less than 10 % 

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Other features

  • Our unique hybrid material enables high precision and high accuracy etching process.
  • The bar shape is sharper and the pattern reproducibility is higher, making it suitable for absolute types compared to the conventional etching method,.
  • Reflective types have a high contrast between reflective and non-reflective area. 
  • Reflective types are less susceptible to humidity than film products.

D. <Patented> Mirror black type (Reflective)

Manufacturing method: Etching metal + Low reflection black treatment

The patented and trademarked “Mirror Black®” is a reflective encoder scale made of SUS material with high-precision etching and low reflection black treatment.

This type of product has high resolution and excellent light/dark ratio (SN ratio), and provides the same performance as glass scale at a lower cost.

Mirror black type Optical Encoder Disk

Technical features

Pitch tolerance ±0.001 mm
Bar tolerance ±0.003 mm
Minimum bar width 0.04 mm (If you need a bar width of less than 0.04 mm, feel free to contact us.)
Coaxiality within 0.015 mm
Inner diameter accuracy ±0.015 mm
Light-to-dark ratio over 65 %

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Other features

  • We realize high SN ratio, combining high reflectivity by SUS mirror finishing and low reflectivity by our unique matte black treatment.
  • Flat structure achieves minimized unevenness of the bar pattern, leading to minimal signal noise.

E. Polycarbonate type (Transmissive/Reflective)

Manufacturing method: Stamping polycarbonate material

This type of product is manufactured by applying a thin film etching process to a polycarbonate substrate.
This product offers the same level of performance as glass encoder scales at a lower cost.

Polycarbonate type Optical Encoder Disk

Technical features

Heat resistance 120 ℃
Light-to-dark ratio At least 70 % (Reflective type)

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Other features

  • This product has an excellent impact resistance and is resistance to cracking.
  • This product has non-transparent bars made of aluminum.

Feel free to contact us about transparent type.

Examples of Assembled Products

Assemblies with hubs

example products 1

Encoder Disk Unit

example products 2

Advantages of using custom encoder disks

Accuracy Our product can be incorporated into off-the-shelf encoders to increase accuracy.
Size It can be installed in places where off-the-shelf encoders would not fit.
Production You can choose from a single prototype to mass production.
Cost Since the material and precision can be determined, the cost can be kept to a minimum.

Usage of our products

  • Industrial robots and positioning servos
  • Automation of production plants
  • Automotive industry
  • OA equipment
  • Machine tools
  • Measuring instruments


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Type\Specification Material Minimal Bar width, mm Bar width tolerance, mm Pitch tolerance, mm Inner diameter accuracy, mm Coaxiality
(Transmissive style)
PET 0.02 ±0.003 ±0.002※ ±0.01 0.02
(Reflective style)
PET 0.02 ±0.002 ±0.002※ ±0.025 0.05
(Transmissive style)
SUS 0.08 (in the case of t=0.05) ±0.015 ±0.003 ±0.015(in the case of t<0.1) more than 0.01
(Transmissive style)
Ni-Cu-Ni 0.04 (in the case of t=0.04) ±0.008 ±0.005 ±0.008 0.01
(Reflective style)
Ni-Cu-Ni 0.04 ±0.008 ±0.005 ±0.008 0.01
Mirror black
(Reflective style)
SUS 0.04 ±0.003 ±0.001 ±0.015 0.015
(Reflective style)
0.01 ±0.003 ±0.002 Please contact us for details.

Type Function
Film (Transmissive/Reflective styles)

Size change coefficient to temperature: 18µm/m°C(1.8×10-3%°C)

Size change coefficient to relative humidity: 10μm/m(1.0×10-3%RH)

Aluminum vapor deposition type with 60% or more of high reflection, 10% or less of low reflection (Reflective type)

Metal (Transmissive style) Good corrosion resistance and durability
Hybrid (Transmissive style)

High accuracy and high resolution

60% or more of high reflection, 10% or less of low reflection (Reflective type)

Mirror black (Reflective style)

High accuracy, high resolution, good dark/light ratio, good SN ratio

60% or more of high reflection, 10% or less of low reflection (Reflective type)

Polycarbonate (Transmissive/Reflective styles)

Heat resistance:120°C
Light to dark ratio: 70% or more

78% or more of high reflection, 10% or less of low reflection (Reflective type)

Need more information?

Contact us to request pricing, availability and customization options